Inviter dine venner og kollegaer på en restaurantkvalitets oplevelse i dit hjem!
At lægge hus til et selskab kan være et bedre alternativ end et restaurantbesøg. Du behøver ikke at bekymre dig om reservationer, priser eller en ubehagelig atmosfære. Din aften forbliver fleksibel – tilbring tiden mellem retterne som du ønsker det, eller snak med dine venner til sent ud på aftenen. Hvis du er tilpas og afslappet, så vil dine gæster også være det.
Et selskab behøver ikke at betyde tidskrævende forberedelser som efterlader dig træt allerede inden selskabets start. Du kan efterlade alt til mig; alt lige fra at vælge menuen til at handle ind, lave maden og serveringen. Har du nogensinde været til et selskab, hvor du har følt dig skuffet fordi værten har tilbragt hele aftenen i køkkenet? Med min hjælp, vil dine venner nyde godt af dit selskab og du kan fuldt ud nyde maden med dine gæster.
Server en kvalitetsrestaurants menu for en lavere pris, i den afslappede atmosfære i dit eget hjem.
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Sample produkter, som jeg kan forberede dig
Birthday menu 1
- Knuckle Pork Terrine with cranberry and rosemary
- Chicken roulade with pistachios and dried tomato pesto
- Pork loin with apricot and marjoram
- Canelloni with ham wrapped with salad woodcutter
- Beef tartare with shallots
- Capresse with mozzarella and fresh basil
- Cherry tomatoes stuffed with olive tapanade
- Grilled tuna on salsa with orange melon and white radish with coriander
- Terrine egg with spinach and roasted peppers
- Tiger prawns in soy-sesame sauce
- Shells pasta with salsa with smoked salmon
- Fresh green cucumber stuffed with tuna mousse
- Chicken with leek and pineapple sauce Imperial
- New potatoes in yogurt-mayonnaise sauce with chives and dill
- Celery with nuts, pear and red grapes
- Cheak Peas with sun-dried tomatoes, eggplant and coriander
- Capresse from beetroot carpaccio with goat cheese and pesto with rocket
- Meksican coleslaw and apple with Jalapenio
Birthday menu 2
- Chicken roulade with spinach and cashew nuts
- Pork loin with apricot
- Terrine with smoked paprika
- Herring marinated with herbs and salsa with special marinated gerkins
- Norwegian salmon tartar with capers Tatar
- Arrancini with mushrooms and goat cheese
- Rolls with grilled eggplant, zucchini and peppers with cheese halumi
- Cherry Tomatoes with cream with avocado
- Beetroot Cube with blue cheese mousse
- Shells Pasta with mackerel mousse
- Jelly with four fish and horseradish mousse
- Lemon Couscous with grilled pumpkin, gyros, coriander and almonds
- Tri-Bean salad Thai way with asparagus and sweet-chilli sauce
- Chicken with sardines and parmesan cheese on lettuce rzymskeij with lime sauce
- Marinated beef, parmesan cheese, arugula, watercress, roasted peppers and artichokes
- Potato salad with grainy mustard and pickled cucumber and onion and ham
Birthday menu 3
- Blinis with smoked salmon and caviar
- Melon with Parma ham and mint
- Smoked eel with Jake quail and asparagus
- Cherry tomatoes stuffed with olive tapanade
- Small skewers of lamb marinated in buttermilk before with the addition of chilli, mint and cumin
- Strawberry mousse stuffed with blue cheese
- Green cucumber stuffed with crab mousse
- Leek with shrimp and pomegranate
- Lentils with beef, corn, beans, peppers and chilli
- Fresh spinach with sun dried tomatoes, garlic and pine nuts and French dressing with tarragon
- Papaya with turkey, spinach and melon on rice noodles
- Artichokes with olives, tomatoes and feta cheese
- Orange Cous-Cous with lamb, and grilled eggplant cheak peas and coriander
Posh party
- Crab Mousse Ravioli with Maltise Sauce, Watercress and orange
- 5 hours marinated Beef Carpaccio with Wild Mashrooms at rockets and tomatoes salsa
- Broccoli and Mint Risotto with Goat Cheese Parisienne and Sun Dried Tomatoes
- Lamb Shank on a Check Peas and Aubergine Ragu with Tomatoes and Cinamon Sauce
- Slowly Cooked Pork Belly with CocoNut Milk and sweet potatoes Puree and Grilled Asparagus
- Grilled Lobster with Chron Sauce on Rosemary Potatoes Cake and Courgette Roulade
- CocoNut Milk Panna Cotta with Mango Salsa and Blue Berry
- Banana Bread and Saltly Caramel Ice Creams + Crispy Basil and Rapsberry Sauce
- Lemon Cream Brullee with Almonds Crumble and Orange&Cardamon Biscuits